Base converter
This simple tool allows you to convert a same number between its
representations under different number systems.
For example, the number
is equal to 3.14159... in a decimal system (base 10),
or to 3.243F6... in a hexadecimal system (base 16), or to 11.001001... in a
binary system (base 2).
Type pi for
e for e=2.71828...,
sqrt(2 for
= 1.41421...
Please use capital letters in the representations of base >10.
The algebraic operations
+ - * / ^ are allowed,
as well as pairs of parentheses. Accepted transcendental functions are
sin(), cos(), exp(), log(), atan().
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- Description: converts a number between different numbering systems, arbitrary precision. interactive exercises, online calculators and plotters, mathematical recreation and games
- Keywords: interactive mathematics, interactive math, server side interactivity, qcm, sciences, language,courses, algebra, number, numeration, conversion